Bedtime Tails is a children's book series that focuses on the adventures of it's main characters: two energetic, furry cat siblings named Perkins and Daisy. But you may have known that already...the series name and the cats' names are everywhere!
But what is it really about?
First and foremost: to provide fun and exciting stories for children to read while learning important life lessons. It's nice to have cute books for children to read, but what's the point if they aren't learning from it? Books should help us grow, as people - so children's books should be no different!
During the adventures Perkins and Daisy experience, they also (without realizing it) get lessons in important things like acceptance, welcoming others, courage, having an open mind and more. Discussion questions are featured after each adventure to help the reader really think about what themes are apparent and how it can relate to their own lives and experiences.
Everyone has routines that they follow in their daily life. I'm no different. Each morning, after getting ready for work I walk into the kitchen to eat breakfast, pack my lunch and make sure the cats have food. Typically, since this is where my "pre-work" routine ends, I leave my glasses on the counter so that when I am ready to head to work I can grab them and head out the door...after saying goodbye to Perkins and Daisy, of course!
One morning, I thought it would be no different. I packed my lunch for work, threw some yogurt in for breakfast since I think I was actually running late that morning. As I reached to grab my glasses, I noticed they weren't there. They were on the floor. As I picked them up, I noticed a lone piece of cat fur sitting on the rim of my glasses. "I wonder what kind of party the cats must have thrown last night!" I said out loud and laughed to myself. Without meaning to, an image of Daisy (a young kitten at the time) with my over-sized glasses resting on her tiny head, flashed into my mind. Next to where my glasses had been sitting, a receipt rested, obviously having been knocked off the counter during the night. The original image evolved to Daisy with a guilty look on her face, having knocked not only my glasses, but a receipt off the counter. I picked everything up, put them back in their place, and continued on my way to work.
As I stood at the gas station (about 15 minutes later) pumping gas, that's when the idea hit me. We joke around that at night, our furry-nocturnal creatures come out to play and have all sorts of fun while we sleep. What if I could speculate what the cats did during the night (in a fun way) that led to the results I found the next morning? If anything, it would be a positive spin on having to pick up the glasses/receipts knocked on the floor, clean up the spilled food dish and refold the blankets on the couch.
That idea stuck in my mind all day and when I got home from work, I doodled what was going to be the first artistic conception of Perkins and Daisy's literary existence. And, as they say, the rest is history!
Bedtime Tails Children's Book Series